About Accelerated Design

We are electronics design experts here to help you Accelerate your Design methodologies through process automation, and digitization regardless of your chosen CAD tools.

CAD Neutral by Design

All our services and offerings are built to be CAD agnostic and support any CAD flow your team my be using, including a mix of different CAD tools and formats. We look to support the entire CAD industry, as experience has taught us that while the tools may vary the underlying design challenges remain the same.

Our Mission

Leverage our electronics content and system integration expertise to help the electronics design
industry to accelerate their design process, innovate faster, and provide optimal outcomes for their

Our Offerings


EDA Solutions to connect your data flows and CAD tools enabling the cohesive design methodologies you need regardless of the CAD platforms you use.


Worlds largest repository of CAD neutral content that helps you jumpstart your design process and save your engineers from needlessly recreating the wheel over and over again.


From CAD deployments to implementations and custom development we can help you craft the ideal CAD methodology for your business

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